The Poetry Sound Library is a world map of poets reading their own poems.
You can listen to hundreds of poets from the past and contemporary ones from all over the planet.
Choose one name on the list or a marker on the map and click twice.
Wait a few seconds and you will soon hear the voice of the poet selected.
Each poet reads in his\her own language.
The Poetry Sound Library is a non profit project which promotes the voice of poets.
No written text of the poem is provided.
We provide a very short biography of the poet, in some cases a website.
Usually each poet reads one poem but in a few cases you can listen to more than one.
The red markers are ARCHIVES or FESTIVALS.
If you click on those markers you will be directed to external pages and archives.
You can send us your poem (read by you) or write to us for more info.
The map was opened on November, 3rd 2018.
Poetry Sound Libary Statistics from 03/11/2018 to 10/03/2019
902 voices uploaded
36530 visits
52189 marker clicks
To receive the HTML code to embed the PSL in your website write to:
[email protected]
To share the voice of one poet at a time:
The Human Voice is the most perfect instrument of all
Arvo Pärt
Arvo Pärt
voice portraits by Giovanna Iorio
Voice is unique. When we speak we leave an aerial and indelible footprint in the world around us. By preserving the voice we preserve the uniqueness of each one of us. Giovanna Iorio, poet and sound artist, makes unique portraits of poets' voices. If you wish to see your voice transformed into a spectrogram and portrait send an email to [email protected] To visit website of the Voice Portraits click here |

Poetry Sound Library Map by Giovanna Iorio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at